e. a. renadier guardon—bef, 1nalivilian, aurn of trooond—bef, rae lt. -col. c. l. d, dl—bef, royal artillery,
e. ry, unner eorge ornd—bef, 2nd uards r. a. harper—bef, raf, lyne, attacediuon k. e. c. , 143rd field ae e. ineera f. oo leslie f. ineerarrier , no. 1 recovery ivilian, ia jeffrey —bef, 3rd divialion maj. , 1on, s wakeful
e. a. , 132nd field aing—bef, raoc, field rank unit
oliver acalion
col. j. d, dl—bef, royal artillery, 60t; royal h. henwood—bef, 3rd diviaj. jod—bef, 2nd dor, attacillery unit
col. d—bef, raoc, ii core field . f. r. ivilian, ryegate ii kiny field holden—bef, 3rd divi —bef, royal odrington f. reen er regi. ynn illery, 58t r. er regi ronald jeffrey , driver brig. d. j. b. —bef, 5th division , 4th diviiddle denninalrivilian, en. b, deron ajor frank v. freddie ooaid of orleanillery, —bef, field —bef, 2nd coldy byron e. j. ive—bef, royal artillery, 1ent; er
a. r. jabez- queen victoria joeant attacle evelyn jakeurn of trooaj. d—bef, royal artillery, 53rd jay—bef, 1orias rifles e. joillery joar gen. b, cbe, —bef, 42nd divieorge renadier guards dr. adrian kanaar—bef, rae; a r. kay—bef, gaj. e. e. kennington—bef, royal engineeros wolsey
profeg, vrd, er
a. , 1—bef, iii corajor .—bef, 2nd dor jo—bef, raoc, firade illery jack kitc; i —bef, royal engineereneral barenadier guardlearing e a. kyle—bef, 1rfar yeorney a. e. laillery, 5tol. c. r. lane—bef, 3rd diviol. j. oldaion
a. laviillery, anti-tank regie—bef, joe—bef, 42nd diviade e—bef, royal artillery; ton, ldg an a. e. lear—bef, 2nd nortent; on david learunition co lee—bef, royal artillery, 57t er. j. lee—bef, 3rd diviillery, 7t; ion a. e. leiddle. le, 2nd coryril leillery, 139tade, attacon
g. e. lille—raf, 264tas h. lilley—bef, royal engineerol. s. j. linden-kelly, daaj. a. e. lindley, rct—bef, 11tade; loat—civilian, arookerby, td, di—bef, raoc, 2nd ordnance field oubulance train
, 12te; hird r. j. lovejoy—bef, ra. e. lucaillery, 2nd anti-aircraft battery d. l. luotor torar, er e —rnr, o regiillery; . b. d. o. . k ove
queenndernair—bef, royal artillery, 5tk—rn, brig. h, obe—bef, 3rd divi. ber k arlonallaarineerruction coarory unit j. din a. j. aaciillery lt. -cdr. retary to coineillery, 3rd . rdry ivilian, village near guildford, return of trooeiklejoillery, 58t, and 65tent, caelli aginot line *naler—bef, rae iron—bef, 9terivilian, return of troooore—bef, raoore, td—bef, rao 32nd field regiorford—ain of ivilian, gallioneb, darineivilian, dover, return of troo, field auardyerobile yerillery, attacuardol. e. r. nanney wynn—bef, 3rd divis sandown
joalcutta eddie neish bordererd—bef, ralearing . f. nixon—rn, naval h f. noon—bef, royal artillery, 53rd field regiade; . ent . , fri, na—civilian, d. , boatyard, littlee regie—bef, raoc, 44t. orivilian, rarooekrenade . illery, 69tynaent; e urn of troops l. a. ineerb, dberton—bef, 2nd brig. g. errdrd ore—erol. joe—bef, 2nd nortent ivilian, naval . dockyard, —rn, icary—bef, 1ent; royal daffodil j. on—bef, royal artillery, 65t regidr. —rn, an , iii corivilian, bourneroo. f. ivilian, london, return of trooonrivilian, raroo regi. rankin—bef, gen. r. b, cbe, ol. b—bef, raal officer eric reader—bef, royal engineeroie fieldate james reeveent
a. g. rennie—bef, royal artillery, 140t; c.te dargent , no. 2 l of c rail albert (b, cbe, dy aer general
d. g. riddall—bef, royal artillery, regi. a. riley—bef, royal engineeron er—bef, rae a. robb—rn, i, 141ncaaj. r. c. robinillery, 85t regierillery, nals alfred roillery, 63rd . eo roo roslyn—bef nalndry brigade f. c. orpany e. a. naluel, obe—bef, rae a. d. uar frank eronian. ate, dunkirk beac 101 w. j. u. saye—bef, royal t—bef, royal engineerbc, 2nd nortent; . c. , 3rd a